First Aid Week 4

Good morning, The children in our little dragon classes were finishing up the first aid [...]

Hitchin Little Dragons

Hitchin Little Dragons Fun agility at Little Dragons in Hitchin recently. Each session is different. [...]

Stevenage Black Belts

Stevenage Black Belts Partner work at Stevenage black belt session recently. Plenty still to learn [...]

Hitchin Cadets

Hitchin Cadets Cadet class just underway in Hitchin. We start each lesson reciting the tenets [...]

Stevenage Little Dragons

Stevenage Little Dragons Very well attended and popular sessions in Stevenage. Little Dragons are classes [...]

Fitness Wednesday!

Fitness Wednesday! Wednesday has come around again! It’s tonight! Come and join in and improve [...]

Hitchin Little Dragons

Hitchin Little Dragons 7 sessions running throughout the week at our Hitchin venue. Classes for [...]

Stevenage Cadets

Stevenage Cadets Warm-up taking place at Stevenage Cadets. These sessions run twice a week at [...]

HSTS Squad

HSTS Squad Every Sunday at our Hitchin venue. Our HSTS squad build on their techniques [...]

All Day Training

All Day Training We run 4 of these a year, just before each grading. A [...]