Stevenage Adults

Stevenage Adults Calling adults in the Stevenage area! Come and try authentic Taekwon-Do. Taught by [...]

Hitchin Black Belts

Hitchin Black Belts Excellent attendence at a recent Black Belt class. Always something new to [...]

Hitchin Cadets

Hitchin Cadets Sparring session at Hitchin Cadets. This is our 8-12 year-old group. New members [...]

Stevenage Black Belts

Stevenage Black Belts Patterns work at a recent Black Belt lesson in Stevenage. Great turnout!

Barton Little Dragons

Barton Little Dragons Calling parents/carers of 4-7 year-olds in Barton. Little Dragons classes in Taekwon-Do. [...]

Stevenage Adults

Stevenage Adults Adult sessions in Stevenage twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Come and [...]

Health and Safe Eating week 1

Good morning, The children were busy learning about the things adults do that children should [...]

Stevenage Cadets

Stevenage Cadets Our cadet class in Stevenage recently. We run sessions twice a week at [...]

Hitchin Cadets

Hitchin Cadets Classes for 8-12 year-olds in Hitchin. Learn Taekwon-Do in a fun and engaging [...]

Stevenage Little Dragons

Stevenage Little Dragons Calling parents of 4-7 year-olds in the Stevenage area! Little Dragons classes [...]