New UTA Membership attendance system coming soon…..

Dear Students/Parents, Just a little message to let you know, the UTA have been working [...]

Update to latest government guidelines exemptions

To:  All Member Organisations From next Monday, any indoor and outdoor gatherings of more than [...]

UTA Black belt grading

Just a clarification on the upcoming black belt grading. The times will be scheduled over [...]

Colour belt grading & Black belt Assessment Time Schedule

Dear Students/Parents, Please find below the grading time schedule for the upcoming grading on Sunday [...]

What a journey so far…….

Tuesday the 1st September 2020 marks the official return to our venues, training indoors. Wow [...]

Impromptus indoor training

Great to be back inside at HSTS Stevenage & Hitchin due to the weather this [...]

HSTS Little Dragons Half Day Training sessions

Wednesday 26th August saw the first real indoor training at HSTS with two Little Dragons [...]

Little Dragons Half day training

HSTS LITTLE DRAGONS HALF DAY TRAINING Wednesday 26th August 2020 It’s great to see that [...]

Safe return to indoor training

We are now at the next phase of our return to “normal” training, although as [...]

More Little Dragons returning to training

It’s been great seeing more and more Little Dragons returning to outdoor training and as [...]