Little Dragon Home Sheets

Anti Bullying week. Well done to Maya, Oliver, Darcey and Toby for doing such a [...]

Little Dragon Home Sheet – Winner

Memory Unit The lesson last week was all about following directions (my little dragon needs [...]

Latest BTC (Tkd governing body) guidelines

We have been given the go-ahead from our governing body via UKITF to continue with [...]

Little Dragons home sheet winner

The Little Dragons home sheet winner for last week is…….. Nathan Make sure you get [...]

UTA Black belt grading 19-09-20

After the last few months of training on YouTube Live, Zoom, outdoor training and now [...]

New UTA membership system student application

Please check out this video of the new UTA membership system student application, which will [...]

HSTS return to a new normal

A final account of where we have been……. After the closing of our HSTS venues, [...]

HSTS Colour belt grading 13th September 2020

It was time again for the colour belt grading and black belt assessments, which occurs [...]

HSTS All day training sessions

Over the past two Saturdays we have conducted two 6 hour All Day Training Sessions [...]

HSTS Request

As previously posted and emailed, thankfully we are exempt from the new restrictions that are [...]