Category Archives: Main Club News

Weekly update

That’s the third week of February done, the seventh week of lockdown and still smashing [...]

5th in the series of our patterns workshops

The fifth in the series of Patterns workshops this Sunday 21st February 2021.  

Weekly update

We are halfway through February and the light at the end of the tunnel is [...]

4th in the series of our patterns workshops

The fourth in the series of Patterns workshops this Sunday 14th February 2021.

Weekly update

We come to the end of the first week of a new month and a [...]

Virtual free sparring sessions

We have set up some time to have virtual free sparring sessions on Sundays from [...]

Weekly Update

Well, that’s one month done and what a fantastic month of online training it was [...]

Half Day Training On Zoom

Zoom Half Day Training on the 6th March 2021 10am-1pm  FULLY BOOKED This will be [...]

3rd in the series of our patterns workshops

This Sunday morning 30th January HSTS will continue with it’s third in a series of [...]

Weekly update

Another great week and we smashed the attendance again with a 469 attendance count from [...]