Category Archives: Main Club News

Weekly Update

Well, that’s one month done and what a fantastic month of online training it was [...]

Half Day Training On Zoom

Zoom Half Day Training on the 6th March 2021 10am-1pm  FULLY BOOKED This will be [...]

3rd in the series of our patterns workshops

This Sunday morning 30th January HSTS will continue with it’s third in a series of [...]

Weekly update

Another great week and we smashed the attendance again with a 469 attendance count from [...]


UTA ONLINE SEMINAR REVISED DATE/TIME….. The UTA would like to present a Zoom training seminar [...]


HSTS TAEKWON-DO FAMILY QUIZ  Saturday 6th February 2021 I am going to be hosting the [...]

2nd in the series of patterns workshops

This Sunday morning 24th January HSTS will continue with it’s second in a series of [...]

Weekly update

Once again I’m blown away by all HSTS students and how you have just grabbed [...]

1st in a series of Patterns Workshops

This Sunday morning 17th January HSTS will be starting its first in a series of [...]

First week done online

Afternoon everyone, we made it through the first week of this new lockdown, 293 attendance [...]