Category Archives: Little Dragons News

Balance week 3

Good morning, All the little dragons were busy standing on one foot and hopping along [...]

Stevenage Little Dragons

Stevenage Little Dragons Taekwon-Do lessons in Stevenage for 4-7 year-olds. We have a specific, tried [...]

Balance week 2

Good morning, The children were busy standing on one foot last week and what a [...]

Easter Weekend Opening Times

Dear Students/Parents, This is to inform you that as usual all classes will be closed over [...]

Little Dragons Half Day Training

Little Dragons Half Day Training Attention all parents of our Little Dragons! We run half-day [...]

Balance Week 1

Good morning! Here we have the new unit for Little Dragons. Balance. The children were [...]

Hitchin Little Dragons

Hitchin Little Dragons Calling all Little Dragons in Hitchin! Exciting news! Our specially designed Taekwon-Do [...]

Online Safety week 2

Good morning, Here we have the activity sheets for the online safety unit.

Stevenage Little Dragons

Stevenage Little Dragons Parents of 4-7 year-olds in Stevenage! We have the activity for your [...]

Hitchin Little Dragons

Hitchin Little Dragons Parents of 4-7 year-olds in Hitchin! Little Dragons classes for your child. [...]