Hitchin This Girl Can

29th April 2023

Some of the HSTS ladies attended the local Hitchin ‘This Girl Can’ event this Saturday 29th April. They had a stall to give out information and talk to anyone who was interested in what we do, they also carried out a demonstration to showcase Taekwon-Do and the benefits it can bring. For example, self-defence, fitness, strength, confidence, meeting like-minded people and making new friends.

Mrs Oakley would like to thank all the ladies, who took time out of their weekend, to help on the stall and take part in the demonstration, and we would like to thank Mrs Oakley for organising our HSTS group to take part in this event.

What is the event?

This Girl Can is a national campaign aimed at making it as easy as possible for women and girls
to get active through physical activity. This could be through joining a sports club and trying
something brand new, or starting a fitness class with like-minded people. In the words of the
This Girl Can team, “Women come in all shapes and sizes, with different abilities and from
different backgrounds. But none of that matters to us, we’re just happy that you’re getting
The aim of our Hitchin event is to bring as many physical activities together as possible, from
the thriving sports clubs running in Hitchin and surrounding areas, to the fitness classes run by
our passionate and dedicated instructors who might be running from a home studio or a
community centre, to those offering something completely different that people may never have
heard of.

The aim was to do 2 key things at the event:
1. Celebrate the breadth of opportunity available to our local residents. To celebrate the
success of our female sports teams locally. To celebrate how many women and girls are
already being physically active in their brilliant way
2. To offer a relaxed and welcoming environment for women and girls who may not have
found “their” activity just yet, to come along and see for themselves how many different
ways there are to be active, to meet the people behind the scenes so they can ask those
simple questions about joining in that may be holding them back and to find a friendly
face that will be there at their first session to say hello and make what can be a daunting
experience a little easier.